Sunday, 1 March 2020

How Do Spa Pumps Impact on Overall Hot Tub Experience?

Pumps are the important aspect of hot tubs. In general, pumps power up the jets by pulling water to mix it with air and then push through the jets. Most hot tubs available today come with a combination of hot tub pumps – one for powering the jets and another for water circulation through the filtration system and water heating. Usually, larger hot tubs may include additional jet pumps to power multiple jets.
When looking to invest in a hot tub, you should give more priority to spa pumps. They play a key role in overall hot tub experience. Therefore, you should take a look at the following factors to make the right selection:
Spa Pumps
Jet Power –

The power of heat pump is measured in horsepower. It controls the pressure of water that comes out from the jets. The more jets you have the more horsepower is needed to power them. If you’ve a hot tub with more than one jet pump, a diverter can help you control the jet power to specific seating for an amazing hot tub experience.

Apart from the jet power, configuration and placement of jet are important factors that make a great difference to your overall experience.

Spa Pumps
Speed –

Earlier hot tub pumps are available with one or two speed depending on the level of jet power in a hot tub. These hot tubs combine jet power and circulation through a single two speed pump. This pump offers you a chance to set a low speed level to circulate water through the filtration system when not used.
But the latest hot tub technology introduces variable speed pump, allowing you control the speed of spa pumps. Generally, they’re quieter, produce less heat and vibration than their counterparts like one and two speed heat pumps.

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